Wednesday, January 16, 2008

thurs 1-17-08 morning blog

USE your new VOc plus 3 other voc words

grab a news paper article!
Remember this is silent reading time, so READ!!!!!!!!!! until the can read as many stories as you wish;however you are only required to write about one!!
8 sentences summary including what where who why how
3 reflections
1 interesting fact


Anonymous said...

DNA has become one of the most wonderful things in forensics to find out those who are guilty. It is the most accurate thing that can prove someone guilty for charge. DNA can be found in mostly anything the tracer leaves behind. Especially, if the criminal is not careful with the traces they leave you will find many mistakes in a crime. In everything we do we leave behind tracks of us pieces of our DNA. So sometimes it is very difficult for criminals to follow their own traces without leaving anything behind. Even the smallest things can be used as DNA samples to match any of other criminal DNAs. There has been a new lab group created for forensic measures called The Rapid Response Team, which was created to achieve faster DNA results than usual. DNA results from the team will be determined within 15 days rather than the normal 90 to 120 days process. With this quick new results criminals from many cases will be easier tracked and identified. I hope that with these new DNA results everyone can be more safer. But what will happen when there are too many criminals to lock up. I think that can become a huge issue for the future.

Anonymous said...

Source; Union Tribune.

Article; MySpace Promises To Make It Safier For Users.

Summary; This morning's blog is based on the article I read about MySpace. There have been a lot of dirrerent problems that have started from MySpace. People have been raped, bullied, & even killed. What makes things worse, it that the website already has 110 million active uses. MySpace is now promising to make it safer for the several users by verifying the ages. People believe that MySpace or any other social networking site is not going to be able to protect minors unless they have a age- verification system. But MySpace argues that even if they add a age-verification system it would still be putting myspace users at risk. Hackers will then be able to hack anyone easier. But they are going to make things harder for sexual predators and bullies. MySpace is planning on setting profile private if the user is under 18. If someone over the age of 18 wants to be a younger user's friend they are required to know their last name.

Reflection; I think that adding an age-verification system is the best way to go. It might not make a big difference but I think it should still be done. People can still lie about their ages but let's hope it works. [[:

Anonymous said...

In the newspaper I read about all the san diego fans keeping their faith. Its time the chargers make it to the super bowl, a couple fans said. The last time we made it was in 1995 when we played san fransisco 49ers and got beat badly. Lately theres been a lot of bandwagoners representing the charegers becouse their doing good real good. But true fans like myself will always stay with our chargers win or lose. We have a tough game Sunday but I know we can do it. All the true fans will be with the chargers this Sunday .

Anonymous said...

Today in the union tribune, I read that the labor department confirmed yesterday what most Americans already know, inflation is squeezing them. Consumer prices rose 4.1% in 2007, the highest rate since 1990, but prices for basic goods such as food, gasoline, and health care climbed far more steeply. At the same time, workers’ average weekly earnings dropped 0.9%, after adjusting for inflation. Workers wages failed to keep up with higher inflation. From a stand point of the consumer, they react to inflation like a tax increase. They feel less wealthy, they feel pinched and they are looking for institutions or people to blame., said William beach, an economist and the director of the data analysis for the heritage foundation, a conservative policy research organization. Core inflation, which excludes energy and food, rose slightly over 2.4% last year, slightly lower than 2.6% increase of 2006. it is the performance of the core inflation that the fed closely monitors. Analysts said that the slight drop in core inflation for 2007, plus various reports showing the economy is in the grips of a serious slow down, will convince the central bank that a key interest rate it controls should be reduced by a bold half point when fed officials next meet at the end of the month

Anonymous said...

- The San Diego Union Tribune
- Successful embryo cloning document
- The article that I read today was about a cloning project. A team at the San Diego biotechnology company Stemagen has become the first to document its successful cloning of human embryos by fusing donated egg cells with the DNA from skin cells of an adult man, according to an article that will be published online today by the journal Stem Cells. The company's work led by chief science officer Andrew French is a major step toward creating embryonic stem cells lines from cloned human embryos or cells that are specific to one person and capable of evolving into the 200 different cell types in the body. Theoretically such cells one day could be used as a human toolbox someone's own embryonic stem cells could be transplanted into that person without the fear of rejection and could replace cells destroyed by diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson's
- I think that this is a very interesting article. It is pretty scary that they can start cloning humans. I think that this is too much power that a single company can have.
- One interesting that I learned is that this process is called therapeutic cloning.

Anonymous said...

A new science breakthrough has just been discovered recently, something that we believed came from science fiction movies and could never happen in real life. A human embryo has been successfully cloned by using a woman’s egg cell and a man’s skin cell. Shocking right? Yet, very true. The discovery was lead by a private institution called Stemagen. They claim that their discovery was made back in may 2007, but during that time there had been another doctor that had made that claim and it was discovered that it was a farce. Since they wanted to be able to prove their discovery they need to document the whole process and have it all written down and taped. They seem to be very happy with their success and with all the rights to be, they have made an exhilarating breakthrough that could help the lives of thousands even millions of patients. They might even find the cure for certain diseases. But, just because they can do it does it mean its right? There are many questions that arise with this scientific discovery. Is it ethic? Is it moral? In my opinion humans should not be doing things that they have no right to do. Yet that is my opinion and people do what they wish and if it helps them then so be it.

Anonymous said...

♫2 teengirls held 4 MySpace beating♫
♫ The article I read about this morning was about 2 teenage girls that got arrested. Two young girls from Newport Beach were arrested because a video tape that was posted on MySpace. The video showed a beating of another young girl of the age of 13 years old. The video had gotten posted last week on a MySpace page and it was getting passed around. From the looks on the video it looked like several girls were jumping the 13 year old. They left her with sustained scrapes, bruises and a busted lip. The girls are getting charged with a suspicion of battery and conspiracy to commit battery. The names of the two girls that are under custody have not yet been released.

♫ My Reflection ♫
♫ I think that what these girls did was wrong. I feel sorry for the 13 year old girl who couldn’t possible fight back and defend herself especially if there was several girls beating her. I hope that these girls learn their lesson and not lead anything to violence.

♫ Interesting Fact ♫
♫ An interesting fact that I read about in this article was that the worst part of the girl getting beat was that the authorities say that there is no motive for the attack.

Anonymous said...

“President Exempts Sonar use By Navy”
►What I read today in the newspaper was that president bush has bucked a court order by exempting Navy exercises off southern California from certain safeguards designed to protect whales and dolphins from mid-frequency active sonar. A federal judge had a set a national precedent Jan. 3 when she announced the sonar restriction, the strongest to date. Bush’s exemption, announced yesterday, also set a precedent: California officials said it was the first time a president has overridden the U.S. coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.
►I agree because they are trying to help the army.
►I also agree because they need their to look for invaders.
►In the other hand I don’t agree because they are invading the marine animals territory.
►I think the most interesting fact its that they are exempting the Navy to use the sonar mid-frecuency.