TITLE: 8 sentence summary 3 reflection 1 most interesting thing you read!!
Also in another paragraph, tell me how your break was? What did you do over Thanksgiving? What did you eat? .......
Wind-stoked flames hit Malibu again Recently within less than a month it has been the second time that Malibu catches in flames. Due to the Santa Ana Winds whom provoked these dangerous fires, more than 49 homes and 2 out buildings were destroyed. About 27 residential homes were damaged causing 10,000 to 14,000 people to evacuate. The fire began early 3:30 am shortly after the Santa Ana winds arrived Malibu. The wind was sais to have impacted the fires to move as quickly as 4,650 acres by nightfall. Fifteen helicopters and airplanes along with a jumbo jet rushed the fires, while 1,700 firefighters were present at the scene altogether fought the fires to try to stop them damage that was being made. Many helicopters had to lower their hose at pools and the near by Pacific Ocean, while planes skimmed the ocean to refill their water tanks to prevent the fire from spreading. Many of the firefighters stated that they were frightened that the fire would spread even more. But thankfully they had everything under control and managed to stop the flames. About half of the evacuees returned home, but the rest are left with no homes.
Today in the union tribune I read that fires again have started in Malibu, los Angeles because of the Santa Ana winds have forced it to start forced thousands to evacuate from their homes as the flames raced through the canyons and mountains for the second time in a little under a month. 49 homes and 2 buildings were destroyed and 27 of them were just damaged. 10 to 14,000 people were evacuated from los Angeles. About half of them returned back home. the fire started at about 3:30 in the morning and it grew quickly before the winds died down. the fire burned about 4,650 acres of land. I think that kind of sucks because that’s the second fire in under a month and because of the same winds. I feel that this couldn’t have been prevented because the dry winds.
In Boise, Idaho Candace Jennings was sleeping on her couch until her dog Anna kept nudging her awake. Candace notices her mobile home was in flames on early Thanksgiving Day. Anna was an abused stray dog whom Candace took in for adoption. Anna ran outside with her dog, and realized she needed to get the town keys. She is a janitor for the town and has all the keys in her backpack. Candace had to go back in and realized it would be a lot harder to escape with all the smoke. She went into the wrong direction and got lost. Anna once again rescued her and led her to the door. When Candace and Anna made it outside, the roof collapsed. Candace faced burns from the fire on her feet and then frost burn from being in the cold weather. The owner of the trailer park in Grant Hawk said an electrical problem might have started the fire, which is a total loss.
I think its a miracle that the dog was able to save her. I love hearing stories about pets loving their owners so much they are able to help the owners to safety. I wonder if they'll be given a new home.
“rules of ‘engagement’” What I read in the news is that small things turn improbably large in Dennis Oppenheim's sculptures. Faux bronze pots and kettles in “black” (1991)become the size of bright orange top hats in “think tank” (1993) stands 6 feet high, and accommodate toy trains that run along tracks on their brims. He doesn’t mind shrinking things either namely himself as he did in one of his most memorable and memorably funny works ”attempt to raise hell” (1974-1985). The piece, which actually exists in 10 versions, contains a puppet version of the artist with an aluminum head. At intervals, that head jerks forward, knocks the bell and creates a deafening ring. The museum of contemporary Art San Diego owns one rendition, though it is not currently on view. I agree with this art because enrich the culture. I agree because also this structures are the dreams of some people. I also agree because it’s the work of some people. The most interesting fact its that small things can turn into big thing that occurs if you believe on it.
♥ San Diego Union Tribune ♥ “Judge Lets Thieving Gambler Off Hook” ♥ This morning’s blog is based on an article in the newspaper. It was about a felony theft charge that was dismissed against a woman who admitted to gambling away money from the bank account of a 78 year old customer. This took place in Gardnerville and the amount stolen from the old woman was $15,000. But the judge dismissed the charges saying that she needed help not punishment. The judge said that she rarely thanked people for committing crimes but that she was glad she could refer to this later on. The woman’s only punishment was to apologize to the customer and the bank for stealing money from the account. ♥ reflection; I think that this whole situation is ridiculous and the fact that the charges are being dismissed is saying that it is okay to steal. I feel that this is unfair to everyone else who gets caught in sticky situations and even though they are not at all responsible, they are punished with hard time. Even if it was a life learned lesson for her, it was wrong to steal.
Over this break my family had a wonderful thanksgiving although not everybody could make it was still a nice time. Me and my mom went to the thanksgiving run and I volunteered for the helping the 10k runners as my mom ran the 5k. It was nice to know that I was raising money for the less fortunate or ones that lost there house because of the wildfires. We ate turkey (white meat, dark meat), homemade rolls, homemade macaroni, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade yams, homemade key lime pie, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. For the appetizers we had my aunts famous cheese ball, and the Mediterranean dip.
Aztecs lose to The HORNED Frogs
TCU is on the way to the 39th bid bowl after pulling a upset in QUALCOMM stadium. The Aztecs were leading in the game 17-0. The horned frogs found a way to rebound and come away with a win and it turned out for the best. Although a new record was made by Aztecs quarterback O’ connel and receiver chenille set a 97 td pass this was the longest pass in Aztec history. The beginning of the game it look like Aztecs would be going to the bid bowl but at there end it proved that TCU wanted to win the most. So the horned frogs won and now they will be entering the bid bowl.
- The san Diego union tribune - Taggers more brazen with graffiti - The article that I read today was about graffiti. It especially talks about one specifically. It says it took gall, it took effort. At first glance it looks like it took a boat. There is no better explanation of how someone managed to vandalize the bottom of a bridge footing in the San Diego River. The splotch which rises well above the waterline is huge and unsightly. The graffiti is going to take some time to remove because of the hard to reach location. Graffiti are a constant urban headache. A number of city and state agencies including a host of community groups and businesses are involved trying to get rid of them. The damage not only crops up fast it also shows up in head shaking locations. That require much more than paint and a brush to wipe it out. Graffiti shows up in environmentally sensitive areas that require special care when it comes to removal. An example is the one in the bridge footing because it is in a wetland. - I think that this article is very interesting. Even though I don’t like graffiti. I fell that it is like a waste of time and effort. It just makes the city look ugly. - One interesting thing that I learned is that graffiti removal requests rose from 26000 to 28000 last year.
The article I read today was about taggers and how they are tagging in places that are hard to get to. The authorites say that it is hard for them to take off these taggings from these walls because they are hard to reach, and they have to get permission from certain places to take these taggings off. They are still wondering how these kids manage to do taggings on places that are hard to get to. The tagging in this article was put up right on the San Diego River Bridge. It is really big and really hard to get to. It costs alot of money to fix and they say it is going to take a while to take it off because of where it was. They are still trying to find out ways of how to prevent this and how to slow it down because it is costing the government alot of money. They say that alot of kids are doing graffiti and are getting away with it, resulting in higher payments for the government.
I think that they wont be able to catch all of these taggers and that this is never going to stop. There will always be someone that is going to want to tag their name up somewhere. Either that or they should just be more secure and have more cameras up or something.
The most interestnig fact on this is that the city needs to get permission to take off these taggings from certain people which makes no sense.
What i did on Thanksgiving :). I ate ham and mashed patatoes and other stuf fbut i didnt eat turkey. I dont like it but it was a good thanksgiving because my whole family got together and we ate. After thankgsgiving as more fun, i did alot of different things and i enjoyed the weekend. i stayed the whole weekend at my cousins and wow. but it was fun i likeed it. but i knew that on sunday i was going to have to get my stuff back together for school on monday.
I was reading an article on graffiti and how hard it has been in the last couple of years to remove the tagging from our city. Day by day taggers choose harder places to reach in order to present difficulties to authorities who would like to clean them up. They choose places like the undersides or footings of bridges. Also they choose to mar places that are protected by environmentalists due to the fact that they are environmentally sensitive areas. Taggers know this fact and they choose those places because authorities need certain permission in order to remove the graffiti and taggers are just happy that their ‘masterpieces’ get to be up for just another day. Some of the graffiti is in places that takes special equipment to reach so authorities are questioning if these taggers are risking their lives to mark a certain water tower/towering span/freeway sign as their own. Each day taggers become more and more daring tagging places that are risky to reach. That is not the only risk, tagging can cause disputes over territories which can lead to increased gang violence. We seriously don’t want to see an increase in violence in our neighborhoods. So I support the fact that city officials want to rid themselves of taggers and graffiti alike.
Plan will help borrowers from falling behind. In the article I read in the newspaper There has been a problem with the mortgage leaders that issue the loans and sign there agreements with Schwarzenegger. Although those aren't the people that hold the loans anymore, Mortgage have been sold to investors which can be extremely far for example Tokyo or Beijing. They as well are no longer helping out people who’s payments are behind, in the past 6 months there have been 126,514 notices of default were issued in California and out of those 10,056 were in San Diego but nobody can expect to get any help from Schwarzenegger. A broker by the name of J.T Knowles says that “if your current on your loan payments the plan will help out a lot”. Mainly in that case. Bob Schwartz estimated that condo’s in Downtown and in Mission Valley have lost value since 2005 about 25%. I think that what is going on in California is insane. The prices don’t seem to stay low they just keep getting higher and most people are out of luck because they cant afforded to pay so much for a house that’s value isn't enough sometimes. Schwarzenegger as the main guy isn't doing very much he needs to take some action for himself. If places don’t go up they have no value most of the time. I think that its all been very crazy this year, prices are rocket sky and that’s why they haven't been able to sell nor rent for that matter.
♫The article I read about this morning was about taggers more brazen with graffiti. Taggers have been getting out of control. They are getting in hard to reach areas. The areas where they reach are for example above the waterline of the San Diego River marred a bridge footing. From the looks of that graffiti it looks like they used a boat or something to get to that certain spot. Authorities say that it is going to be hard and it is going to take a while to take off that certain graffiti. The reason that it is going to take a long time and its going to be hard is because the splotch rises well above the waterline and it rises huge and unsightly. The damage shows up in head shaking locations requiring much more than paint and brush to wipe it out.
♫Reflection:] ♫My reflection for the article I read about this morning is that taggers needs to be stopped. They think that it makes everything look nice and cool but it actually makes their city look bad. I hope that sooner or later their will be a reason for all this tagging to be stopped.
♫Fact:] ♫An important fact I read about in this article was that a number of city and state agencies as well as a host of community groups and businesses are involved in trying to get rid of them.
- My thanksgiving break was very good. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially since there was no school and no work. I did a lot of things like eat and go to TJ. I ate a lot of things I literally stuffed myself. Of course I ate turkey, also ham, mashed potatoes, corn and all different kinds of desserts. All of my family got together and enjoyed a peaceful meal.
Union Tribune: Colombia’s shift is a foreign policy triumph for the U.S. Today I have read a short article on Colombia. Since President Alvaro Uribe came along he has changed Colombia incredibly. Colombia has changed so a lot since 2000. With Uribe in charge violence has been reducing and the countries human rights has also been improving. The murder rates have been its lowest in 20 years. Also the kidnappings have decreased by 80 percent, I think that is a lot a difference made in 7 years. I think that this is a good president if he is changing his country so much and he is helping it improve. This is an amazing change, a lot of U.S presidents do not improve this country and to think that this country is improving is great. The illegal production of cocaine and heroin are still a major challenge in Colombia. However more than 525 drug traffickers have been extradited during the Uribe Administration. I think that this president is doing a good job with his country. I think that they should keep him for a longer time and should keep improving their country.
My four-day weekend;; I had the best Thanksgiving because it was the first spent with my fiancé. We went to Mexico on Thursday and ate dinner with my fiancé's family. The next morning, we had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to go to the hospital. My fiance’ was going to undergo surgery for his tonsils. The operation went good but he was in pain the entire weekend. His mom and I were babying him the entire time and it made a huge difference in his attitude. On Sunday we went up to Tecate to continue building the sister-in-law’s house. We didn’t get back until about 6 in the afternoon. Everyone took showers, put o their pajamas, and ate dinner together. The traffic was very long so we did not leave until about 8 at night. Luckily, it took about ann hour and half to cross and that’s not very long at all. Plus, I got to watch a movie the until way home so the time flew faster for me. Once we crossed, my babe was craving ice-cream so we stopped at Jack in the box for a shake. Then, he dropped me off at home and I fell sleep.
Wind-stoked flames hit Malibu again
Recently within less than a month it has been the second time that Malibu catches in flames. Due to the Santa Ana Winds whom provoked these dangerous fires, more than 49 homes and 2 out buildings were destroyed. About 27 residential homes were damaged causing 10,000 to 14,000 people to evacuate. The fire began early 3:30 am shortly after the Santa Ana winds arrived Malibu. The wind was sais to have impacted the fires to move as quickly as 4,650 acres by nightfall. Fifteen helicopters and airplanes along with a jumbo jet rushed the fires, while 1,700 firefighters were present at the scene altogether fought the fires to try to stop them damage that was being made. Many helicopters had to lower their hose at pools and the near by Pacific Ocean, while planes skimmed the ocean to refill their water tanks to prevent the fire from spreading. Many of the firefighters stated that they were frightened that the fire would spread even more. But thankfully they had everything under control and managed to stop the flames. About half of the evacuees returned home, but the rest are left with no homes.
Today in the union tribune I read that fires again have started in Malibu, los Angeles because of the Santa Ana winds have forced it to start forced thousands to evacuate from their homes as the flames raced through the canyons and mountains for the second time in a little under a month. 49 homes and 2 buildings were destroyed and 27 of them were just damaged. 10 to 14,000 people were evacuated from los Angeles. About half of them returned back home. the fire started at about 3:30 in the morning and it grew quickly before the winds died down. the fire burned about 4,650 acres of land.
I think that kind of sucks because that’s the second fire in under a month and because of the same winds.
I feel that this couldn’t have been prevented because the dry winds.
Dog rescues woman in fire TWICE.
In Boise, Idaho Candace Jennings was sleeping on her couch until her dog Anna kept nudging her awake. Candace notices her mobile home was in flames on early Thanksgiving Day. Anna was an abused stray dog whom Candace took in for adoption. Anna ran outside with her dog, and realized she needed to get the town keys. She is a janitor for the town and has all the keys in her backpack. Candace had to go back in and realized it would be a lot harder to escape with all the smoke. She went into the wrong direction and got lost. Anna once again rescued her and led her to the door. When Candace and Anna made it outside, the roof collapsed. Candace faced burns from the fire on her feet and then frost burn from being in the cold weather. The owner of the trailer park in Grant Hawk said an electrical problem might have started the fire, which is a total loss.
I think its a miracle that the dog was able to save her. I love hearing stories about pets loving their owners so much they are able to help the owners to safety. I wonder if they'll be given a new home.
“rules of ‘engagement’”
What I read in the news is that small things turn improbably large in Dennis Oppenheim's sculptures. Faux bronze pots and kettles in “black” (1991)become the size of bright orange top hats in “think tank” (1993) stands 6 feet high, and accommodate toy trains that run along tracks on their brims. He doesn’t mind shrinking things either namely himself as he did in one of his most memorable and memorably funny works ”attempt to raise hell” (1974-1985). The piece, which actually exists in 10 versions, contains a puppet version of the artist with an aluminum head. At intervals, that head jerks forward, knocks the bell and creates a deafening ring. The museum of contemporary Art San Diego owns one rendition, though it is not currently on view.
I agree with this art because enrich the culture.
I agree because also this structures are the dreams of some people.
I also agree because it’s the work of some people.
The most interesting fact its that small things can turn into big thing that occurs if you believe on it.
♥ San Diego Union Tribune
♥ “Judge Lets Thieving Gambler Off Hook”
♥ This morning’s blog is based on an article in the newspaper. It was about a felony theft charge that was dismissed against a woman who admitted to gambling away money from the bank account of a 78 year old customer. This took place in Gardnerville and the amount stolen from the old woman was $15,000. But the judge dismissed the charges saying that she needed help not punishment. The judge said that she rarely thanked people for committing crimes but that she was glad she could refer to this later on. The woman’s only punishment was to apologize to the customer and the bank for stealing money from the account.
♥ reflection; I think that this whole situation is ridiculous and the fact that the charges are being dismissed is saying that it is okay to steal. I feel that this is unfair to everyone else who gets caught in sticky situations and even though they are not at all responsible, they are punished with hard time. Even if it was a life learned lesson for her, it was wrong to steal.
My Thanksgiving
Over this break my family had a wonderful thanksgiving although not everybody could make it was still a nice time. Me and my mom went to the thanksgiving run and I volunteered for the helping the 10k runners as my mom ran the 5k. It was nice to know that I was raising money for the less fortunate or ones that lost there house because of the wildfires. We ate turkey (white meat, dark meat), homemade rolls, homemade macaroni, homemade mashed potatoes, homemade yams, homemade key lime pie, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. For the appetizers we had my aunts famous cheese ball, and the Mediterranean dip.
Aztecs lose to The HORNED Frogs
TCU is on the way to the 39th bid bowl after pulling a upset in QUALCOMM stadium. The Aztecs were leading in the game 17-0. The horned frogs found a way to rebound and come away with a win and it turned out for the best. Although a new record was made by Aztecs quarterback O’ connel and receiver chenille set a 97 td pass this was the longest pass in Aztec history. The beginning of the game it look like Aztecs would be going to the bid bowl but at there end it proved that TCU wanted to win the most. So the horned frogs won and now they will be entering the bid bowl.
- The san Diego union tribune
- Taggers more brazen with graffiti
- The article that I read today was about graffiti. It especially talks about one specifically. It says it took gall, it took effort. At first glance it looks like it took a boat. There is no better explanation of how someone managed to vandalize the bottom of a bridge footing in the San Diego River. The splotch which rises well above the waterline is huge and unsightly. The graffiti is going to take some time to remove because of the hard to reach location. Graffiti are a constant urban headache. A number of city and state agencies including a host of community groups and businesses are involved trying to get rid of them. The damage not only crops up fast it also shows up in head shaking locations. That require much more than paint and a brush to wipe it out. Graffiti shows up in environmentally sensitive areas that require special care when it comes to removal. An example is the one in the bridge footing because it is in a wetland.
- I think that this article is very interesting. Even though I don’t like graffiti. I fell that it is like a waste of time and effort. It just makes the city look ugly.
- One interesting thing that I learned is that graffiti removal requests rose from 26000 to 28000 last year.
The article I read today was about taggers and how they are tagging in places that are hard to get to. The authorites say that it is hard for them to take off these taggings from these walls because they are hard to reach, and they have to get permission from certain places to take these taggings off. They are still wondering how these kids manage to do taggings on places that are hard to get to. The tagging in this article was put up right on the San Diego River Bridge. It is really big and really hard to get to. It costs alot of money to fix and they say it is going to take a while to take it off because of where it was. They are still trying to find out ways of how to prevent this and how to slow it down because it is costing the government alot of money. They say that alot of kids are doing graffiti and are getting away with it, resulting in higher payments for the government.
I think that they wont be able to catch all of these taggers and that this is never going to stop. There will always be someone that is going to want to tag their name up somewhere. Either that or they should just be more secure and have more cameras up or something.
The most interestnig fact on this is that the city needs to get permission to take off these taggings from certain people which makes no sense.
What i did on Thanksgiving :). I ate ham and mashed patatoes and other stuf fbut i didnt eat turkey. I dont like it but it was a good thanksgiving because my whole family got together and we ate. After thankgsgiving as more fun, i did alot of different things and i enjoyed the weekend. i stayed the whole weekend at my cousins and wow. but it was fun i likeed it. but i knew that on sunday i was going to have to get my stuff back together for school on monday.
I was reading an article on graffiti and how hard it has been in the last couple of years to remove the tagging from our city. Day by day taggers choose harder places to reach in order to present difficulties to authorities who would like to clean them up. They choose places like the undersides or footings of bridges. Also they choose to mar places that are protected by environmentalists due to the fact that they are environmentally sensitive areas. Taggers know this fact and they choose those places because authorities need certain permission in order to remove the graffiti and taggers are just happy that their ‘masterpieces’ get to be up for just another day. Some of the graffiti is in places that takes special equipment to reach so authorities are questioning if these taggers are risking their lives to mark a certain water tower/towering span/freeway sign as their own. Each day taggers become more and more daring tagging places that are risky to reach. That is not the only risk, tagging can cause disputes over territories which can lead to increased gang violence. We seriously don’t want to see an increase in violence in our neighborhoods. So I support the fact that city officials want to rid themselves of taggers and graffiti alike.
Plan will help borrowers from falling behind.
In the article I read in the newspaper There has been a problem with the mortgage leaders that issue the loans and sign there agreements with Schwarzenegger. Although those aren't the people that hold the loans anymore, Mortgage have been sold to investors which can be extremely far for example Tokyo or Beijing. They as well are no longer helping out people who’s payments are behind, in the past 6 months there have been 126,514 notices of default were issued in California and out of those 10,056 were in San Diego but nobody can expect to get any help from Schwarzenegger. A broker by the name of J.T Knowles says that “if your current on your loan payments the plan will help out a lot”. Mainly in that case. Bob Schwartz estimated that condo’s in Downtown and in Mission Valley have lost value since 2005 about 25%.
I think that what is going on in California is insane. The prices don’t seem to stay low they just keep getting higher and most people are out of luck because they cant afforded to pay so much for a house that’s value isn't enough sometimes. Schwarzenegger as the main guy isn't doing very much he needs to take some action for himself. If places don’t go up they have no value most of the time. I think that its all been very crazy this year, prices are rocket sky and that’s why they haven't been able to sell nor rent for that matter.
♫The article I read about this morning was about taggers more brazen with graffiti. Taggers have been getting out of control. They are getting in hard to reach areas. The areas where they reach are for example above the waterline of the San Diego River marred a bridge footing. From the looks of that graffiti it looks like they used a boat or something to get to that certain spot. Authorities say that it is going to be hard and it is going to take a while to take off that certain graffiti. The reason that it is going to take a long time and its going to be hard is because the splotch rises well above the waterline and it rises huge and unsightly. The damage shows up in head shaking locations requiring much more than paint and brush to wipe it out.
♫My reflection for the article I read about this morning is that taggers needs to be stopped. They think that it makes everything look nice and cool but it actually makes their city look bad. I hope that sooner or later their will be a reason for all this tagging to be stopped.
♫An important fact I read about in this article was that a number of city and state agencies as well as a host of community groups and businesses are involved in trying to get rid of them.
- My thanksgiving break was very good. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially since there was no school and no work. I did a lot of things like eat and go to TJ. I ate a lot of things I literally stuffed myself. Of course I ate turkey, also ham, mashed potatoes, corn and all different kinds of desserts. All of my family got together and enjoyed a peaceful meal.
My thanks giving was alright whe went to my grandma's and ate turkey and also potopoe salad and alot of stuff.
Union Tribune: Colombia’s shift is a foreign policy triumph for the U.S.
Today I have read a short article on Colombia. Since President Alvaro Uribe came along he has changed Colombia incredibly. Colombia has changed so a lot since 2000. With Uribe in charge violence has been reducing and the countries human rights has also been improving. The murder rates have been its lowest in 20 years. Also the kidnappings have decreased by 80 percent, I think that is a lot a difference made in 7 years. I think that this is a good president if he is changing his country so much and he is helping it improve. This is an amazing change, a lot of U.S presidents do not improve this country and to think that this country is improving is great. The illegal production of cocaine and heroin are still a major challenge in Colombia. However more than 525 drug traffickers have been extradited during the Uribe Administration. I think that this president is doing a good job with his country. I think that they should keep him for a longer time and should keep improving their country.
My four-day weekend;;
I had the best Thanksgiving because it was the first spent with my fiancé. We went to Mexico on Thursday and ate dinner with my fiancé's family. The next morning, we had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to go to the hospital. My fiance’ was going to undergo surgery for his tonsils. The operation went good but he was in pain the entire weekend. His mom and I were babying him the entire time and it made a huge difference in his attitude. On Sunday we went up to Tecate to continue building the sister-in-law’s house. We didn’t get back until about 6 in the afternoon. Everyone took showers, put o their pajamas, and ate dinner together. The traffic was very long so we did not leave until about 8 at night. Luckily, it took about ann hour and half to cross and that’s not very long at all. Plus, I got to watch a movie the until way home so the time flew faster for me. Once we crossed, my babe was craving ice-cream so we stopped at Jack in the box for a shake. Then, he dropped me off at home and I fell sleep.
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