Friday, November 30, 2007

Quick write family loyalty

In a few paragraphs, reflect on the reading from the Prologue and incorporate these questions in your quickwrite.

How important is family loyalty?
How far would you go to reconnect to a distant loved one?
What causes a seemingly ordinary person to do heroic/extraordinary things?
How easy is it to overcome fears, or other obstacles, in order to reach your goals?
What does it mean to be courageous?
How much of who we are is shaped by forces outside our control?
How does where we come from decide what we do with our lives?


Anonymous said...

Family loyalty is very important because you can trust family. It depend if I know them like if it is my mom I would go were ever to get to her. I think what causes ordinary person to do heroic things is the love between the family. I think most people think of what there loved ones would do and they just overcome there goal. To be courageous means to be brave. Were we come from we get to decide if we want to work but not whether you want to go to school.

Anonymous said...

Quick Write
Family its loyalty in the way that the little kid wants to go back to her mother even thought he doesn’t know why she left. I would go as far as I can to reconnect a love one and I would pass for any danger its in the way, and I would with more courage if it’s the only person I have left in my family. What causes a person make heroics or extraordinary thing I think its love. I think its hard to over come fears or obstacles when you want to reach your goals because they are things that you could die. To be courageous means to make things for a person of for love and more for a mother. I think we are shaped a lot for things out of our control because you got to do things you would never do if you didn’t need to. Where we come from decides a lot what are we going to do with our lives because if you come from a part that there its not a lot of opportunities, you will take advantage where there its chances.

Anonymous said...

How important is family loyalty? To me loyalty is very important. It unites me more with those that I love, and also helps me believe in myself and those people who I share my trust with. I think it is best to be loyal to those who you really care about, because either way they will end up finding out whatever it is that you are keeping from them, and the only thing it will do effect your relation with that person. I think that if you really care for that person and want to be close and always be united the best thing is to construct a relationship with loyalty.
How far would you go to reconnect to a distant loved one? Well, I really wouldn’t know but if I really wanted to see someone who left me, I think that maybe I would be too disappointed to go see them. I would feel angry at them for leaving me and it would be hard for me to forgive that person.
What causes a seemingly ordinary person to do heroic/extraordinary things? The love one holds for another and the courage made from the love.
How easy is it to overcome fears, or other obstacles, in order to reach your goals? It’s not easy. And I really don’t think anything is easy. Going thru hard obstacles in life to reach a certain goal is what makes people stronger.
What does it mean to be courageous? To have much courage to do something. To go after something you really want regardless of the risks it takes, some what like bravery and fearless and you must also be optimistic.
How much of who we are is shaped by forces outside our control? Half and half it all depends on the self esteem of that person, because people become what they want.
How does where we come from decide what we do with our lives?
Well, whether you come form a place governed by military and have little ability to be free places half of what you become. But I believe that it all depends on that person, if he is strong and is a leader he will do as he chooses, but if he is a weak follower he will do as he is told to. But it is all up to that person to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

sometime si feel like i wouldn't have the courage to actually go to the extremes and do deeds like the ones the kids in the books did. maybe if i was desperate enough to actually see my family i would feel encouraged to go on a quest of their lifes. maybe i don't feel the same way that these kids do because i have never been ripped away from my fanily. but i beleive that my family is very close and we are all there to support each other when we can. all families have their ups and downs, yet we all love and support each other.

Anonymous said...

Man with rifle kills 8, then himself
In Omaha, Nebraska while many people try and get their holiday shopping done the unexpected happens. 8 people are dead in a matter of minutes and then the gunman takes his own life, shoppers and employees run and don’t know what to expect next. The gunman was identified as Robert A. Hawkins 19 years old. The shooting occurred just before 2 p.m. with the motive to be unknown. They later found out the young man had a troubled past, he had been living with his friends family for a year after being kicked out of his parents house. Debora Maruca- Kovac added that Hawkins had just recently broken up with his girlfriend and fired from his job at Mc Donald’s. His Girlfriend said he had called at about 1 o’clock yesterday and told her there was a note for her in his room and when she had asked what was going on he just said “its to late” and hung up. When she went for the note she said she found it on the floor next to the bed and then called his mother who then took it to authorities. Maruca-Kovac said that in the note he said how sorry he was for everything and that he loved his mom and dad very much but now he was going to be famous.
I can RELATE to this because this year we have seen shootings like this and they all had to do with troubled young men and always end up by taking their own lives after going on a shooting spree. I ASSESS that this man was dumb for making the choices he did because the people who lives he took were innocent and had never done nothing to him and if things were bad in his life were probably his fault. The CONCEPT of this is hard to understand for me because the people who do this find it right to take other peoples lives for issues that have nothing to do with them.
Interesting Fact: Hawkins said that after he killed all these people he would be famous. Wow