Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Thursday 1-4-08 morning blog

THURSDAY morning blog!! 1-4-08
grab a news paper article! Remember this is silent reading time, so READ!!!!!!!!!! until the end....you can read as many stories as you wish;however you are only required to write about one!!
8 sentences summary
what where who why how
3 reflections
1 interesting fact


Anonymous said...

In the article, CIA: Taping was intended to protects agency’s image, I learned about some twisted plots made to turn down what the destruction of brought up. The article began with a seemingly positive thing, the taping of every action that the CIA took with a senior al-Queda operative. Then when they began water boarding they asked if the tapes could be destroyed so that the negative images would not haunt them they received the ok and that were the plot seems to take a steep turn. Conspiracy and cover then take the focus of the article to a dark place did President Bush authorize the use of torture and did the CIA destroy the tapes before authorized. The tapes that were meant to keep the CIA out of a possible scandal has done just that.
In this article I have learned of some Ironic occurrences that could damage the already fragile US appeal.
The most interesting fact is that steps taken for a positive cause could easily lead in a bad direction.

Anonymous said...

- The San Diego Union Tribune
- MTS fare increases will begin Tuesday
- The article that I read today was about the MTS fares. It says that they have increased. The fares used to charge 1.75 but now have risen to 2.00. also the transfer tickets have been eliminated. Bus driver no longer will issue free transfers. Riders instead will be encouraged to buy $5 day passes. The passes are good for travel on buses and trolley lines through the service day. The service day is from 4 a.m. to 2 a.m. adult monthly passes good for bus and trolley travel will also increase from $60 to $64. the fare increases were approved by the MTS board and unanimous vote Oct. 19 by sandags transportation committee.
- One interesting that I learned is that the reason for this is a budget shortage of $9.2 million.

Anonymous said...

The chargers might have m0pped up the raiders, but this week they will lose against the Tennessee titans. The last time this two teams met the chargers won by not that much I know that the chargers will probably end up losing this game. If Phillip Rivers plays to his full positional. If they run all game then it will be a upset for LT because he might not be able to fight as hard as the defense fighting him. If the chargers do succeed ten they will give me faith that they might be able to make although way through until the face New England for the AFC Championship. Everybody knows how that is going to turn out the patriots are going to smack the chargers and every other team that is in the game. So good luck teams who have made it in the playoffs because u will probably lose.

Anonymous said...

“SlowDown Fears Rock Markets!!!”
Wall Street skidded lower yesterday after oil briefly spiked to $100 a barrel and a manufacturing reporting report propelled concern about a greater slowdown in the economy. The major stock market indexes each lost more than 1 percent, with the Down Jones industrial giving up more than 200 points. A single trader bid up crude oil futures to $100 on the New York Mercantile at a slight loss. “we’re starting the year with a bang,” said Fadel Gheit, senior energy analyst for Oppenheimer & Co. He blamed the usual suspects: “The bad, bad world out there, a cold winter and declining oil inventories.”
I don’t agree because people are losing a lot.
I also don’t agree because some of them get even richer.
In the other hand some of them are doing a good profit.
I think the most interesting fact of this story it that a lot of people lost a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

The article I was reading today in the business section of the newspaper was very interesting. The article was about how all types of credits are linked together. The article states that if a person declares themselves in bankruptcy it is most likely because they cannot pay their houses. Yet, experts say that if you do declare yourself in bankruptcy it is also most likely that you are also in great monetary debt with your credit cards. Experts also say that this new year of 2008 does not look very promising. They are afraid that the recession will truly affect the economy as a whole. The cut backs in lending credit will only spur buyers to not buy anymore. Economist are afraid that this recession will cause a major economic slowdown. Hopefully consumers will learn from their mistakes. Before lenders and banks used to give their clients credit yet the interest rates weren’t as high and if they increased they would increase in a sly way. If the payments became to hard to pay then they would take out a home equity loan. But now, Americans cannot do that anymore. The vicious cycle of credit squeezes every last penny out of the consumer and if you can’t pay then you have to declare yourself bankrupt. Sadly the future does not seem very bright.

Anonymous said...

Source;; Union Tribune

Article;; “2 Arrested in Beating That Killed 2 year old”

Summary;; This morning I read an article on a local couple that recently killed their daughter. It was a local Navy wife and her boyfriend that have been arrested for beating their daughter to death yesterday. The father is accused of banging her head into a wall causing the girl to die slowly in her sleep that night. The child’s mother is accused of child engagement and being an accessory to a crime for trying to cover for her boyfriend. The mother was arrested was arrested on Thursday but was released on Friday after posting $50,000 bail. But the couple had been wanted since December 19 when the Riverside County District Attorney Office issued warrants for their arrest. It appears that the mother was secretly dating the boyfriend while her husband was out deployed. The night the daughter was beat was when she had asked her boyfriend to baby-sit while she took care of a few errands. That night when she came home, she found her daughter sound asleep. But later that night saw that she had stopped breathing, then had a neighbor call 911. It was when the daughter was taken to Riverside Community Hospital where she announced dead. The autopsy revealed a head trauma and investigators later discovered an indentation in the bedroom wall that matched the size and shape of the daughter’s head. When the mother’s husband returned, he immediately filed for divorce and has custody of the couple’s other daughter.

Reflection;; After reading this article, I feel sorry for the father’s loss. It may not have mattered much to the mother, but I’m sure the father and his side of the family is hurting. It just sucks that an innocent little girl is dead thanks to some guy she trusted with her child’s life.

Interesting Fact;; This all took place in San Diego.

Anonymous said...

The Trouble With Fat Kids... The epidemic of childhood obesity is working hard on creating a national health crisis. There are tons of useful things people could do to lose weight, fasting, high-quality aerobic activities, and the ultimate low-fat snack. Another tip is for parents, when parents don't think their children are watching them, they are, and they will do the same thinking it's okay to eat all that fat. The American Dietic Association says that parents are kids' number one role models. So if parents can set a good example, they can have a fighting chance at countering the 30 billion dollars a year the food industry is spending to sell a chubby lifestyle to you and your kids. One is seven American kids are overweight or obese, a jump of 50% in the past 20 years. That's also nine million Whopper Jr.'s spilling out of their buns. At the rate we're going, by 2011 the fat kids on the playground will be banding together and making fun of the few remaining skinny ones. Even slim kids are at risk of heart disease and cancer. Exercise habits and dietary smarts are the way to avoid these problems.